You're welcome

Tell me something, Nikki.. why do you constantly find the need to compare your journey with everybody else? Your application is unique and it wouldn't be fair to compare your timeline with anybody else, even if the others have submitted before you or at the same time as you. None of that matters. IRCC doesn't work on First Come First Serve basis. I can completely understand that having patience @ a time like this is not quite so easy but you gotta try your best, ok? Think of your situation this way. If you don't try to control and calm your mind today, the same pattern will follow tomorrow when you're waiting for your IP, DM, and every other step of the journey! Is that what you want for your mental health?
That said, just try to be (genuinely) happy for everybody else. Great things do happen when your mind is happy and grateful for the things that you already have in your life. Trust me on this! Remember the laws of attraction. Whenever you feel pessimistic, irritated or frustrated about your situation, that is exactly what you're welcoming into your life. You'll get more headache and heartbreak coz the laws of attraction gives you back exactly what you're thinking and feeling. Sadness attracts more sadness, frustration attracts even more frustration.. So the remedy for your situation? When you feel sad or down, try to immediately replace those thoughts with something positive! Remember two things:
Being positive and grateful about your life! That's very important!
Why don't you try a new tactic to trick your mind? Think of a date (Mar 30th, for example) and hope that you would receive your AoR by then. When you are not waiting every single day for it, who knows.. you might actually receive it even before that date! Like i said, good things happen when you're not constantly running after them.
I have a great feeling that you'll hear the good news soon, Nikki. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you in the meanwhile. Remember what I have said! Be happy in this moment instead of worrying and enjoy your life.. That's the only way to be!