I asked the agent just one simple question, which could not answer as nobody else can, and she gave me just a suggestion; that: they receive files and keep piling them, then put or keep them in different boxes, then deliver them to groups of officers to work on each box.
Your suggestion that "my two application bot buried under piles of other applications", is likely acceptable, but how most people applied on 18 and 23 got their AORs?
You will not believe it; I called yesterday while I preparing the third physical calculator, and I called CIC to confirm my entry date to Canada, which was my start date in my job, as May 1st, 2013 but she told me that it May 6th. I told her that I have the stamp and the officer's hand-writing on the passport show that it May 1st. She told me when you apply for the 3rd time attach a picture of your passport.