Hello guys,
I am stuck with Q.9(c) and Q.11.
9(c): I have visited my home country for 5 weeks during the eligibility period, but the form CIT 0177 does not apply to me. What should I select?
11: I worked in a company whose address is in Calgary, AB. But I worked in the Saskatoon, SK area and there was no fixed office in my work area because I audited various stores of a different company. What address should I use?
Also do I need to send 2 photo ids along with copy of passport or one id along with copy of passport?
This is to the best my knowledge after talking to couple of lawyers. in regards to 9c, technically speaking you have not lived abroad. Living would when you would have moved there for good for let say couple of months or if your intention of going there for 5 weeks was to actually live there. If this was the case, and you moved to live there for 5 weeks (as you can see, there are different ways to interpret this), you can then answer yes, and fill out the CIT 0177 while crossing off everything as N/A. This way you have been very truthful and not misrepresented in any way possible.
In regards to the other part for q.11. Put yourself in the shoes of the officer, what is important for them? To know that you were technically in Canada and also to know exactly what you were doing. Your physical city is important so, Saskatoon, SK would be the city and province. When it comes to the address, try to be as honest as possible, list either some or all addresses you worked at on a separate sheet while referencing them on the original form. The other way if you want to avoid the extra sheet, is to reference one of the addresses on CIT0002 and then in your cover letter (make one if you dont have one) explain the details and try to give all the addresses you worked at. Again, in this way, you are being extra careful not to misrepresent anything. I must say that to a logical person, it is just important that you were physically present in Canada in a certain city. You just need to justify it a bit to explain about the nature of your job that required you to move.
One id along the passport is enough, but it doesnt seem to hurt two