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Address History

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
Job Offer........
KKUMAR14 said:
My husband stayed in Canada for three months on Business Visa. We have included this in travel history.
Should it be mentioned in personal history and in address history?

Thank you in advance
Not in Personal history as it is already accounted for under Work/Travel history but include it in Address history and provide a Canadian address.

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
Job Offer........
KKUMAR14 said:
My husband stayed in Canada for three months on Business Visa. We have included this in travel history.
Should it be mentioned in personal history and in address history?

Thank you in advance
Not in Personal history as it is already accounted for under Work/Travel history but include it in Address history and provide a Canadian address.


Star Member
Sep 8, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Hi Asivad, Seniors,

If stayed in multiple addresses within the same City, is it okay to keep only one address mentioned in address history? Asking as I stayed in multiple paying guests accommodations over the years between 2006 and 2009 and in 2009 bought my own house in same city. I do not even remember addresses of those paying guests, neither I have any past address proof documents for those Paying guest accommodations. Wondering if I may keep only one entry for that city as my purchased house address including 2006 to 2009 period as well?

Does IRCC cross check and match the start date, end date and city across Address History, Personal History, and Work History for the items? asking with regards to my below scenario. I joined a company on June 26th, 2015 in Mumbai, and stayed in company accommodation From June 26th, 2015 to July 1st, 2015. As I relocated from Bangalore to Mumbai for this job, in my address history, my Bangalore address ends on 25th June, 2015. However, my Mumbai address which I rented is from July 1st, 2015. I don't want to input my Company provided accommodation address for my non-official work(i.e. my PR application) as I do not know the implication with my employer. Can I safely put my Mumbai address from June 26th 2015 onwards rather than July 1st, 2015 onwards?

Thanks in advance


Star Member
Sep 8, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
dadbangalore said:
Hi Asivad, Seniors,

If stayed in multiple addresses within the same City, is it okay to keep only one address mentioned in address history? Asking as I stayed in multiple paying guests accommodations over the years between 2006 and 2009 and in 2009 bought my own house in same city. I do not even remember addresses of those paying guests, neither I have any past address proof documents for those Paying guest accommodations. Wondering if I may keep only one entry for that city as my purchased house address including 2006 to 2009 period as well?

Does IRCC cross check and match the start date, end date and city across Address History, Personal History, and Work History for the items? asking with regards to my below scenario. I joined a company on June 26th, 2015 in Mumbai, and stayed in company accommodation From June 26th, 2015 to July 1st, 2015. As I relocated from Bangalore to Mumbai for this job, in my address history, my Bangalore address ends on 25th June, 2015. However, my Mumbai address which I rented is from July 1st, 2015. I don't want to input my Company provided accommodation address for my non-official work(i.e. my PR application) as I do not know the implication with my employer. Can I safely put my Mumbai address from June 26th 2015 onwards rather than July 1st, 2015 onwards?

Thanks in advance
Hi Asivad, Seniors: please suggest.

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
Job Offer........
dadbangalore said:
Hi Asivad, Seniors,

If stayed in multiple addresses within the same City, is it okay to keep only one address mentioned in address history? Asking as I stayed in multiple paying guests accommodations over the years between 2006 and 2009 and in 2009 bought my own house in same city. I do not even remember addresses of those paying guests, neither I have any past address proof documents for those Paying guest accommodations. Wondering if I may keep only one entry for that city as my purchased house address including 2006 to 2009 period as well?

Does IRCC cross check and match the start date, end date and city across Address History, Personal History, and Work History for the items? asking with regards to my below scenario. I joined a company on June 26th, 2015 in Mumbai, and stayed in company accommodation From June 26th, 2015 to July 1st, 2015. As I relocated from Bangalore to Mumbai for this job, in my address history, my Bangalore address ends on 25th June, 2015. However, my Mumbai address which I rented is from July 1st, 2015. I don't want to input my Company provided accommodation address for my non-official work(i.e. my PR application) as I do not know the implication with my employer. Can I safely put my Mumbai address from June 26th 2015 onwards rather than July 1st, 2015 onwards?

Thanks in advance
Within the same country, you can even choose to mention just 1 city/address for the entirety of your stay and it won't affect your application. PCC(s) vouch for the entire time you were residing in a country so there won't be a problem even if you don't remember (or mention) different cities you have actually lived in while you were there. IRCC doesn't care about(or verify) all the addresses you've lived in - they only need (and verify) the PCC(s).
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Star Member
May 22, 2017
Within the same country, stick to your permanent address. If you've traveled on a short trip, no point adding that as a separate line item. If you moved cities within the same country, that can be added as an additional line item.

If you took a vacation outside your country of usual residence, that wouldn't be a separate line item. If you lived in another country besides your country of usual residence, mention the address in that other country for that duration.
My permanent address is in city A. But I've been working at city B for 3 years.
So in Address history, if I stick only to city A, will CIC doubt my work?
I'm quite hesitant to add city B in address history because all my documents were issued based on permanent address (city A)
Pls help advise. Thank you!
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Star Member
Mar 2, 2016
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Hi guys,

Hopefully you can help me. In the 'address history' section I' unsure about what the put regarding the following situation.

My permanent address is in my country of citizenship (Belgium) but I went to Canada for a total of 5 months. I lived in Toronto for 4 months doing an internship for my company in Belgium. I lived in one and the same flat in Toronto that my company rented for me. Do I mention the address in Toronto in the 'address history' section?

Also, after my internship in Toronto, I travelled to British Columbia where I stayed in hostels.

I'm not sure what option to fill out for the period of my 5 month stint in Canada:
1) my permanent address in Belgium
2) address in Toronto for the whole 5 months
3) address in Toronto for first 4 months and for the month in BC put permanent address in Belgium?

Thanks guys!


Full Member
Jul 26, 2017
Hey I'm in a similar situation.Have you found an answer? I have read the forums for an answer but I'm still slightly unsure about address history in my case.

I have travelled outside my country of origin/citizenship/permanent residence on business trips of varying lengths. I have travelled out for periods ranging from 2 weeks to 11 months depending on the project. During these times I have stayed in company arranged rented accommodation or hotels depending on the duration and/or availability. At times I have stayed in hotels for as long as 3 months. Also, during lengthier business trips I have made short return trips to my country of citizenship.

Though I have all the address and near accurate dates I am not sure which addresses should feature in the address history as i haven't found a well defined logic to cover my situation. If I put all the change in addresses it would become a very long list. Hope to find a suitable answer from the experienced people of this forum for this situation.


Hero Member
Jan 28, 2017
Somewhere in ON
Hey I'm in a similar situation.Have you found an answer? I have read the forums for an answer but I'm still slightly unsure about address history in my case.

I have travelled outside my country of origin/citizenship/permanent residence on business trips of varying lengths. I have travelled out for periods ranging from 2 weeks to 11 months depending on the project. During these times I have stayed in company arranged rented accommodation or hotels depending on the duration and/or availability. At times I have stayed in hotels for as long as 3 months. Also, during lengthier business trips I have made short return trips to my country of citizenship.

Though I have all the address and near accurate dates I am not sure which addresses should feature in the address history as i haven't found a well defined logic to cover my situation. If I put all the change in addresses it would become a very long list. Hope to find a suitable answer from the experienced people of this forum for this situation.
There's no defined rule like you said, so use your own judgement and explain any doubts in the LOE. If I were you, I would put any long assignment (3+ months) in the address history, especially since you were making short return trips to your home country.

The main goal of the address and travel history is to determine whether you need to provide PCCs for countries where you spent 6+ months.


Star Member
Sep 13, 2017
My permanent address is in city A. But I've been working at city B for 3 years.
So in Address history, if I stick only to city A, will CIC doubt my work?
I'm quite hesitant to add city B in address history because all my documents were issued based on permanent address (city A)
Pls help advise. Thank you!


Star Member
Sep 13, 2017
Hi Seniors,

I have provided only my permanent address in the file submission. Today I was requested schedule A, where each city needs to be mentioned? What should i do?? Please help


Star Member
Sep 13, 2017
Within the same country, stick to your permanent address. If you've traveled on a short trip, no point adding that as a separate line item. If you moved cities within the same country, that can be added as an additional line item.

If you took a vacation outside your country of usual residence, that wouldn't be a separate line item. If you lived in another country besides your country of usual residence, mention the address in that other country for that duration.
I have moved cities. But i mentioned only permanent address. will it be a problem?