1) I did my prints after I got my ITA. I would suggest you though to get the prints taken *right away* and send to Clarksburg ASAP. Your lawyer is right: we have to wait for that forbidden "FBI letter" till the last date and then upload a CSE saying I didn't receive a response from the FBI. Why the hassle of waiting so long when you can send those prints now and worry about your other stuff.
2) FBI report's valid up until your next US visit. It dudn't matter how long the validity just that you need the report *after* you leave the States.
3) I had 'em ink rolled. Only US citizens/Green card holders can use print cards and use channelers for sending the prints.
Hey there jackbauer, thanks for your response.
To clarify, I'm a US Citizen living in the states, applying for PR in Canada from the US.
My attorney is nervous for me to send before ITA in case something happens and I'm not invited within the next year, or who-knows-what. However, I was wondering if it makes sense to at least go ahead and get my finger prints taken now and keep them with me -- then send immediately to FBI after receiving ITA. Would the finger prints still be valid if perhaps it took a month or two to send?
^ Doing so will allow me to not have to scramble to get finger prints the day of or day after ITA.
Also - Have you (OR ANYONE?) heard anything about the FBI police clearance process being incredibly shortened due to live-scan?
Thank you!