After the changes (June 6), there will likely be an increase CRS 420-423, then we may relax, we may see CRS falling down up to 380 in 3-4 months from now.
Absolutely Wrong. By June 6th most likely everyone above 400 will be flushed at this rate. Now only folks who are above 385 AND have siblings OR who have good French skills would affect scores above 400.
Lets look at the numbers.
From the current pool
CRS 391-400 3,581
CRS 381-390 4,331 ~2500 above 385
so there are a total of ~6000 between 385 and 400. If there are 5% of folks here with siblings in Canada, we have ~300 who would get scores more than 400
about French, most of the folks who know french would already be in Canada. If we look up at numbers - folks who can speak French and already in the pool and have a good score in french .. there could be 1% in the pool counting to 60 who can affect scores above 400
so we have a total of ~360 who could affect scores above 400 which is 10% of an average draw
even if we take very liberal numbers, their count will not come to more than 20% of an average pool. So their effect to score is minimal and the scores are sure to come down.