In express entry work experience history page there is a question that asks:
The date you first became qualified to practice in this occupation.
I putted my graduation date in this field but I'm wondering if CIC counts my work experience before this date or not? what is this question exactly for?
This question is just a logic check, and is really more useful for the skilled trades. If the work experience is in the same NOC and occurs before you say you are "qualified," then no, it won't count. If it is a different NOC, then it should count. If the NOC "generally requires a bachelors degree," then the date of your univ. graduation should be the date of qualification. If the NOC says "high school graduation" then you can use that date.
I have 3 years of part-time work experience before this date but this question makes me feel unsure about counting that.
Is the part-time work experience also in a skilled NOC? If not, you should not include it. If it IS skilled, then you can include it, but you may not need it, since there is a limit to the number of years you will earn points for... (the limit is 3 years assuming you're talking about foreign work experience).