Re: RQ 2016 timeline - "Residency Questionnaire"
How it goes in RQ'd cases, including how long it takes, is very much dependent on the particular facts and circumstances in the individual case. Very little about the timeline can be gleaned just from the fact of RQ.
The reason for RQ makes a difference. But even more so, how the applicant responds to the RQ and what substantive issues there are in the case, will make a difference.
We are in a bit of a transition now relative to these procedures. Prior to the Liberal government, it was apparent that CIC had moved toward issuing CIT 0520 requests more than full-blown RQ. I have not seen many reports of either CIT 0520 or CIT 0171 (RQ) since the Liberals took over, but more RQs than CIT 0520. The reason this makes a difference is that the CIT 0520 often signaled a minor question which this or that particular document could resolve, and if the documents resolved the issue then full-blown RQ was avoided.
If the Liberals are not issuing CIT 0520 requests, IRCC might simply be issuing RQ to all citizenship applicants for which there is a residency or presence related question. But we do not know. Forum reports are too sporadic to offer many clues.
In any event, it is possible that IRCC is issuing RQ rather than CIT 0520 for minor issues, in which event it will be far more difficult to predict what effect or how long it will take when issued RQ. The issues could be minor or serious. Timelines will vary widely.
If, in contrast, IRCC is following the approach CIC was in 2015 (going back to at least late 2014), getting RQ would signal a more or less significant problem has been identified and thus not only is the full blown response required but IRCC will be scrutinizing the application and applicant far more thoroughly. And the timeline will be longer.
But until there are sufficient forum reports to show a clear pattern, it will be difficult if not impossible to discern much from the mere instance of being issued RQ. Indeed, in this regard, it would be good if any applicants who have received CIT 0520 this year report their experience . . . if for no reason other than indicating to what extent IRCC is also still issuing CIT 0520 rather than RQ (or to indicate that IRCC is indeed still using CIT 0520).