Hi guys,
I was successful in getting my certificate of good conduct/police certificate from the UAE. I followed the instructions on the CIC website. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/mid-east/united-arab-emirates.asp
1. I got my fingerprints taken in ink (not the digital version) at a police station in the town in Canada where I live.
2. I got them notarized by a notary public in the town where I live
3. I sent them to the Ministry of Foreign affairs in Ottawa:
Mail/drop-off your document, to Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, (JLAC) for authentication.
Mailing address: 125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON
K 1 A 0 G 2
Attn: JLAC Section
Phone: 613 944-4000 or 1 800 267 8376
Drop-Off/Walk-in: 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Walk-in Hrs. Monday to Friday 10:30 AM – 12:00PM and 2:00PM- 3:00PM
4. In my letter to the Department of Foreign Affairs I included a cover letter saying that I needed them to forward them to the UAE embassy for legalization after they had authenticated them. I also included the fees for the UAE Embassy, notarized copies of my passport page and UAE visa page (my former, now expired visa) as well as a pre-paid return envelop with my address on it. More info here: http://uae-embassy.ae/Embassies/ca/Content/1181
5. They forwarded it to the UAE embassy
6. The UAE embassy legalized the fingerprints and sent them back to me in the envelop I included
7. I mailed these documents:
A set of fingerprints (certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UAE Embassy in the country where you currently live)
A copy of your valid passport
A copy of your former Emirates ID card
A copy of your former residence visa
Two (4x6 cm) photographs
together with a cover letter (stating that I allowed a friend of mine (named) to request my police certificate at the police station in Dubai (I had heard that this was the best way to go about it)) to a friend of mine in Dubai.
8. My friend went to the police station in Dubai, handed in the documents, paid the fees and requested my police certificate.
9. She picked it up after about 1 week and sent it back to me in Canada with Fedex
I hope this helps