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If charges are withdrawn, visa application to renew/immigration application


Feb 27, 2012
I am currently in Canada under study permit; I needed a temporary visa to enter Canada. Unfortunately an incident has happened: got arrested for shoplifting of about $200 value. I've hired a criminal lawyer.I have never had any arrest or criminal record what-so-ever. my lawyer is very positive to get the charges withdrawn. I really regret it...I'm having nightmares and the stress is killing me..
Please give me some info...I am so worried...I feel this will ruin my future career as teacher and my life... I have a court date and a date to go for fingerprints and photos...

1.I have my renewing temporary visa application under process and I want to submit application for Quebec skilled program to obtain a CSQ and then an application for permenent residency.
I was highly qualified for the applications before this happened. I am so concerned how will this affect my visa application and immigration??

2.The lawyer says I can get the fingerprins and photos earased 5 month later..I want to know will this remain in "Police Background Check", CPIC, RCMP and US NCIC forever so I can never cross the border? what are these and who has access to it?

3.what about employment.. can even having an arrest record and withdrawn charge be a negative point? does it show up on my record?

Please help me if you know anything about these questions.

Thank you


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1. All applicants for permanent residence must complete Schedule A(Background/Declaration). See question 6 in this link:

2. An arrest record is retained even if fingerprints are erased and will show up in a police background check. About who has access, read this: www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2011/09/08/f-border-mental-health-privacy.html . It should give you an idea just how much is shared between Canada and the US.

3. Many Canadian employers now request criminal record checks including the vulnerable section. Without a criminal conviction, I don't think it will affect employment.

Lastly, some things taken into consideration e.g. nature of offence, how long since it happened(rehabilitation), etc so there is hope.


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Get your charges withdrawn if you don't won't major issues with CIC.
I got a DUI in BC in 2012 and was deported for it in May this year even though I've lived with my Canadian partner in good employment for 5 years and had never been in trouble in my life before. I got the charge over 2 gin and tonics which have consequently destroyed my life. I am fighting (and have been for 6 months) to get back to my home, my house, my partner, my kids, my dog, my jobs, my friends and my entire life. It is a nightmare, so my advice to you is don't get charged under any circumstance! You do not want to become criminally inadmissible.
After I was charged I had my visas revoked so was unable to work and I was only able to stay due to implied status while my lawyer was fighting unsuccessfully to overcome the deportation order. That is a situation you really want to avoid if possible!
Good luck!
I fully understand the stress you're under.. get a good lawyer that understands criminal and immigration law, there's a lot of incompetent people wanting to take your money out there
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@BChome, so sorry to hear you went through that experience. Thankfully, you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else.

I see that you are currently being sponsored by your common-law partner. Have you read about criminal inadmissibility? My understanding of criminal inadmissibility is, your DUI conviction in April 2012 means you need to wait 5 years after completing your sentence in order to apply for rehabilitation, then your spouse can sponsor you.
What was your sentence for the DUI? If it was a fine, then the 5 yrs begin counting from the date you paid that fine.


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SenoritaBella said:
@ BChome, so sorry to hear you went through that experience. Thankfully, you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else.

I see that you are currently being sponsored by your common-law partner. Have you read about criminal inadmissibility? My understanding of criminal inadmissibility is, your DUI conviction in April 2012 means you need to wait 5 years after completing your sentence in order to apply for rehabilitation, then your spouse can sponsor you.
What was your sentence for the DUI? If it was a fine, then the 5 yrs begin counting from the date you paid that fine.
I received the standard charge of a year ban, $1000 fine, participation in a Responsible Drivers Program and Ignition Interlock Device fitted to my vehicle after the suspension was over. Due to full compliance with my sentence I had the Ignition Interlock portion revoked. I will not be able to apply for a pardon until April 2018 which is 5 years from the completion of my sentence (driving ban).
I am also very grateful that no-one was physically injured that night when I made that stupid error of judgement. However, I am still living with the pain and hurt I have caused and am still causing my family by not being there for them. My children cry for their mother, my partner has developed a stomach ulcer through the stress and I can't remember the last time I slept for more than 2 hours straight. I can not tell you how terrible I feel because my family are still being punished for my mistake. So many people are still being affected and suffering because of one mistake I made in January 2010.
And it was a totally honest mistake; I was not drunk, I'd had 2 drinks over 2 hours which is what is generally thought of to still be within the legal limit. However, I blew slightly over, it is even stated in the police transcript that I didn't appear intoxicated and was entirely polite, helpful and cooperative during the whole procedure (that just happened to be the officers first ever arrest, which quite possibly influenced the fact that I was given BOTH a roadside penalty (standard) AND a criminal code conviction, which my lawyer said was highly unusual and that she was 'probably practicing on a safe subject').
I truly belief if Canadian law took a zero tolerance approach to drink driving, I would not be in this situation right now. If one drink can take you over the limit, why have a limit at all? Would it not be wiser to take away the risk of a person that has been drinking having to make an [impaired] judgement on their own level of intoxication? Why not ban it out right? Call me sceptical, but I believe the revenue collected from DUIs prevent the laws changing, there should be a way safer drink driving policy. I do feel mildly duped over this situation because of the ambiguous way the law is promoted, but have also fully held my hands up to it, and have taken full responsibility for my actions. It is something that had never happened in the past and will never happen in the future. I have even offered to sacrifice my driving license permanently if it means I can come home to my family.
My punishment (and my families) seems to far outweigh any other person convicted of the same crime in BC; I thought justice was supposed to be fair an equal for all? I have never been in any sort of trouble before, and am an active, productive member of my community. I have started many initiatives that have significant boosted the local economy and provided social cohesion; I have submitted over 100 letters of support from many respected members of the community. I have proved myself through action during my time in BC and I wish that all components of my life, good and bad, were viewed in their entirety, weighing up the benefits I bring to the community against the danger I pose to Canadian citizens before implementing such draconian measures.
I also feel excessively persecuted when I see how other people with DUIs are rewarded, in particular, Gordon Campbell who blew twice the legal limit, then remained in office as premiere of BC, then was appointed High Commissioner; the disparity in level of life disruption is incredible. Yet, I have no rights to argue my case in Canada (for instance I had no right to appeal my deportation order) as I wasn't a PR, and I have very limited rights in the UK as I've been out of country for too long and am basically considered an immigrant here too now. Talk about rock and hard place! Thank god I have my dad to stay with in the UK, my situation could be a lot worse!
But after all of that I am tentatively optimistic about my spousal PR application which went 'In Process' on Oct 10. It was submitted with an H&C attached, so fingers crossed!


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If you were told that you had no rights to appeal the deportation, perhaps the Conservative government's "tough on crime" Bill was already in effect. My understanding of that Bill (if memory serves me well) is, a temporary resident(student, worker, visitor) or permanent resident convicted of a crime that carries a sentence of 6 months or more may be deported and I believe there are no more appeal rights in that situation.

The reason for the change is, so many criminals abused the justice system by filing appeal after appeal(i.e. delay tactic), sometimes it took the gov't as long as 10 yrs to finally deport them and it cost taxpayers a fortune.

I sympathize with your situation, but there is already zero tolerance to drinking and driving. That's why there ads about having a designated driver, calling a cab, MADD(mothers against drunk driving), etc to raise awareness and encourage people to consider these alternatives. The blood alcohol level measurement serves as definitive proof of being over the legal limit(i.e. over the limit where you can function properly, even if one feels they are "fine").
I don't see how humanitarian & compassionate grounds can overcome criminal inadmissibility though, but I wish you well. If it does not work out in the end, you may want to look into a TRP (temporary resident permit - not easy to get) for which you need to show compelling reasons for why you should be allowed to enter Canada. Goodluck!


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It's amazing how different genders (and body types) respond to the same amount of alcohol.

I'm quite shocked to hear that consuming 2 drinks, over a 2 hour period would have made you blow `slightly over' the limit.
Was the limit [then] 0.08, or was it 0.05?

I also echo SenoritaBella, in wishing you all the best during this difficult time.


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@ Ponga, it is indeed amazing the difference. At a Christmas party last year, one girl had about 2 glasses of wine and started to act a fool... embarrassing to watch. What was surprising is she drinks on weekends if she goes out, but she is very thin and suffers from poor circulation. I would guess if given a breathalyzer, she would have blown way over the limit.


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Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment. :)

Regarding the points made, I just wish the legal limit was 0.0 blood alcohol, then there would be no confusion. Making the limit 0.5 puts the onus on individuals to make an accurate assessment of the rate they metabolise alcohol, which is obviously open to significant error, as I am testament to. I have always been an advocate for anti drink driving campaigns, and had used the local 'Keyz Pleaze' scheme (which is fantastic, it gets you and your vehicle home) after nights out. I just truly believed I wasn't anywhere near being over the limit (I blew 0.9). But, unfortunately all of this hindsight is irrelevant now, and I have to deal with the consequences of the situation as it stands.

The crux of my H&C application rests on the damage it is causing my family in Canada, they are innocent victims in this, and it doesn't appear fair that they are suffering so significantly because of it. As my application is so dated, I have continually updated my situation, through submission of additional statements. A PRRA application was made after I was issued the deportation order (Jan 2013), this was refused (March 2014) which instigated the execution of my deportation; however the PRRA report written by a senior immigration official sympathises with my case, he regrets he can not issue a PRRA as I do not meet the criteria but says that I am suitable for and recommends an H&C submission, which was put in shortly after (April 2014). My TRP/ARC application in May provided further details. Also, when I have made case specific enquiries over the summer I have updated mine and my families personal situations and hardships faced, for instance, my partner works away for long periods of time leaving the kids without either parent physically there for them, my partners best friend suddenly passing away and me not being there for him, our beloved Saint Bernard dog had to have her puppies aborted because neither of us were there. These can be seen as just life events, but are also hugely important things to us, that are emotionally destroying us, each thing is so much more difficult to deal with because we're apart; forms and applications don't express the genuine suffering felt; so hopefully, by providing these detailed personal statements, they'll be read by someone with a heart in the context of H&C grounds.
My lawyer told me that she has recently dealt with a similar successful case where H&C overcame minor past criminality that hadn't been officially pardoned yet, but I do not know the details of the case unfortunately.
I also am a youth mentor and have many letters of support from the kids and their parents expressing the benefits I bring to the community, also there are many other community projects that I'd committed to that are now suffering because of my absence. I have provided CIC copies of the proposals I've created for these societies and community groups, and details of my fundraising for Relay for Life. I have provided them so much documentation about all aspects of my life, I just hope that its considered.
I have provided CIC with evidence to show that I have abided by my sentence and have a personal testimonial written by the administrator of the responsible drivers course, this states that in his professional opinion I am very remorseful and am unlikely to reoffend and that I was a model student on the course. I have offered to relinquish my drivers license to remove any possibility of reoffending too.
RE a TRP, I submitted one along with an ARC as soon as I returned in May. This application pack also included my British passport. Over the summer I made enquiries as to why the application fees hadn't been drawn and the expected length of time they were likely to need my passport for. I received no response to these enquiries. On September 5, I submitted another case specific enquiry asking about TRP fees, passport and also my PR application which had passed the 11 month advertised process time. I didn't receive a reply within the 28 days so followed it up with a phone enquiry planning to leave a message on their system. The answering machine was full, so I was bounced back to the phone operator who took the details of my enquiry and told me he'd submit it on my behalf. An hour later I got an email reply saying that they had no record of my TRP or ARC applications and that my PR meds and RPRF had been received. The following day my passport arrived in the post along with the fees for the TRP and ARC, it came in the envelope I'd originally provided. An hour after it had arrived I got an email saying my TRP had been passed onto the relevant department. The following day, my PR application turned from 'application received' to 'In process' on my ECAS. Call me a cynic, but I think these events were linked, and that PR went into process perhaps as a result of them 'misplacing' my applications AND passport for 5 months! I think things only started moving because the twist of fate with the full answering machine. I took this, perhaps prematurely, as a positive sign.
This is the timeline for my PR application, if you could share your thoughts on what you think it indicates then that would be great!
Application received: 22 Aug 2013
Sponsor approval:11 Sept 2013
RPRF and 2nd Medical (1st one had expired) requested: 10 July 2014
RPRF receipt and Medical results received: 26 July 2014
Case in Process: 10 October 2014
Additional documents (updated schedule A, updated UK police certificate, RCMP finger prints) requested: 15 Oct 2014
Additional documents delivered: 24 October 2014
(my finger prints were done by the local police here in Wales, but I did provide an RCMP criminal record check as well, and information to show that the RCMP do hold my finger prints on file but they couldn't release them because they were associated with my DUI conviction)
I hope I'm not being prematurely optimistic, but if they were going to just say no because of my inadmissibility then why would they have requested all of this extra information, plus new medical RPRF etc? Also, are finger prints required as standard by all PR spousal applications, or is it purely to do with my criminality?
My current concern is that I know I'll need an ARC to return because of the deportation, however my ARC fee was returned, possibly because it was in the wrong format? It was in GBP rather than Canadian dollars, and having read the small print on the London Embassy site it appears that ARCs can only be paid for with a bankers draft in Canadian dollars. Also, it appears that they're working on my PR rather than my TRP? An ARC is not a separate application, it is included and assessed with whatever other application that you've submitted, so does that mean its being assessed with my PR now? I have made an enquiry about this with them, although realistically I don't expect a reply. I'm guessing they'll request it if they want it? I'd like to start making preparations to get the fee mailed over by my partner, just to save some time, do you think this is premature?
I am also preparing letters to send to Gordon Campbell, Christy Clark and Roger Williams (local UK MP) asking for assistance, do you think this is a sensible course of action? I want to do everything I possibly can to strengthen my case.
I have very recently let my Canadian lawyer go, as she has made one too many mistakes that have delayed and possibly harmed my case, and am now tackling this by myself for the moment, so any advice or your thoughts would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance. :)
I will get home eventually


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@ BChome,

My goodness, it's been quite a tough road but your attitude is amazing through it all. This shall pass. Nothing wrong with optimism, the alternative is not good for one's health/wellbeing.

I'm not too familiar with ARC, but if you search the forum, there should be more information. Hopefully, others can chime in with more information.

Sounds like you have strong humanitarian grounds, and I pray they take it into consideration. They usually look at the best interest of any children involved, so that should help too.

if you haven't already, you may want to order your GCMS notes (contains detailed information about your file, officers' notes, where you are in the process, etc). Can be done online by going to www.cic.gc.ca and search "ATIP request". Since you are not in Canada, your partner needs to order it on your behalf under the "Access to Information Act", costs $5. Also you need to complete a consent form (I believe IMM5744) to enable CIC to release your information to your partner. Takes about 30 days.


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SenoritaBella said:
@ BChome, so sorry to hear you went through that experience. Thankfully, you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else.

I see that you are currently being sponsored by your common-law partner. Have you read about criminal inadmissibility? My understanding of criminal inadmissibility is, your DUI conviction in April 2012 means you need to wait 5 years after completing your sentence in order to apply for rehabilitation, then your spouse can sponsor you.
What was your sentence for the DUI? If it was a fine, then the 5 yrs begin counting from the date you paid that fine.
Since this occurred in Canada, I believe the only option is to seek a Record Suspension, rather than rehabilitation: