My daughter (18 years old) applied for a student permit and received the following refusal letter:
Dear (Applicant) , Thank you for your interest in studying in Canada. I have reviewed your study permit application and supporting documentation to assess whether you meet the requirements for a study permit (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/ eligibility.html). This includes assessing whether you are coming to Canada temporarily for the reason(s) you describe in your application. I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) (https://lawslois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/index.html) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/index.html). I am refusing your application. • You have not complied with our request for information, per subsection 16(1.1) of the IRPA. To date, you have failed to comply with our request for an examination. You are welcome to reapply if you feel that you can respond to these concerns and can demonstrate that your situation meets the requirements. All new applications must be accompanied by a new processing fee. Sincerely, Embassy of Canada
This is very strange, because she did the medical examen 2 days before to receive this letter and she was under the period time requested. Now checking documents we have realized that in her Letter Request for Medical Report, it was attached the Medical Report form (IMM1017E). but when she did the medical examen the Doctor gave her a different report. She received the Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B).
Do you think this is the reason of refusal? I mean, the doctor used a wrong Medical Report when doing the medical examination.
Waiting for your comments.
My daughter (18 years old) applied for a student permit and received the following refusal letter:
Dear (Applicant) , Thank you for your interest in studying in Canada. I have reviewed your study permit application and supporting documentation to assess whether you meet the requirements for a study permit (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/ eligibility.html). This includes assessing whether you are coming to Canada temporarily for the reason(s) you describe in your application. I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) (https://lawslois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/index.html) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2002-227/index.html). I am refusing your application. • You have not complied with our request for information, per subsection 16(1.1) of the IRPA. To date, you have failed to comply with our request for an examination. You are welcome to reapply if you feel that you can respond to these concerns and can demonstrate that your situation meets the requirements. All new applications must be accompanied by a new processing fee. Sincerely, Embassy of Canada
This is very strange, because she did the medical examen 2 days before to receive this letter and she was under the period time requested. Now checking documents we have realized that in her Letter Request for Medical Report, it was attached the Medical Report form (IMM1017E). but when she did the medical examen the Doctor gave her a different report. She received the Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B).
Do you think this is the reason of refusal? I mean, the doctor used a wrong Medical Report when doing the medical examination.
Waiting for your comments.