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Canadian Immigration News

CanadaVisa brings you the latest information about immigration to Canada, including Express Entry, the Provincial Nominee Program, family sponsorship, and study and work permits.

Saskatchewan records highest employment numbers

 the CanadaVisa Team     16 October 2010

The Canadian province of Saskatchewan recorded the highest employment numbers ever for the month of September. Overall, there 6,300 more jobs in the province compared to one year ago. "People are coming to Saskatchewan because they are confident in our economy and that prospects here are very good," said Rob Norris, Minster of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration.

Most asylum seekers from Sri Lanka deemed legitimate by Canada

 the CanadaVisa Team     15 October 2010

The government of Canada is considering ways to prevent migrant smuggling because of the arrival in August this year of a ship with almost 500 Sri Lankan asylum seekers on board; however, the Canadian refugee determination process was designed to deal with people seeking asylum by landing on Canada's shores, fleeing for their lives.

Quebec is the leader in job creation

 the CanadaVisa Team     13 October 2010

Quebec had the best performance in all of North America in terms of job creation. While jobs were lost in other parts of Canada during the month of September, more than 14,000 new jobs were created in Quebec. Since June 2009, more than 125,000 jobs have been created in Quebec, which means Quebec has created almost twice as many new jobs as were lost in the recession of 2008-2009.

Immigration boosts Saskatchewan population

 the CanadaVisa Team     09 October 2010

In the last year, almost 50% of population growth in the province of Saskatchewan can be attributed to immigration. Statistics Canada is showing a record-breaking increase in Saskatchewan’s population, which now sits at just under 1,050,000. Saskatchewan's increase rate (+0.47%) was the second highest among all the Canadian provinces. It was Saskatchewan largest growth in population since the third quarter of 2007.

Government of Canada announced Federal Internship for Newcomers program

 the CanadaVisa Team     07 October 2010

The Government of Canada announced yesterday it is launching the Federal Internship for Newcomers program designed to assist newcomers gain valuable Canadian work experience. Through this program, immigrants to Canada now have the opportunity to acquire some temporary work experience in fields they are qualified to work in based on their skills and previous work experience.

Ontario invests in training for skilled immigrants

 the CanadaVisa Team     29 September 2010

Ontario is helping skilled newcomers prepare to get jobs that match their education, qualifications and experience. The Ontario provincial government is investing $3.6 million in three Ontario cities to support programs designed to train new skilled immigrants to find employment in their professions and areas of expertise.

Canada and Australia discuss issues related to human smuggling

 the CanadaVisa Team     25 September 2010

Canada intends to work domestically and internationally to eliminate the crime and fraud associated with the often dangerous journey some immigrants make to Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney met earlier this week with the Australian Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen, to talk about potential solutions to address the problem of migrant smuggling and human trafficking.

Manitoba to further strengthen relationship with Philippines

 the CanadaVisa Team     23 September 2010

Earlier this week, Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger and Rosalinda Baldoz, Secretary of the Philippines Department of Labour and Employment, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to extend an existing partnership that connects Filipino workers with employment opportunities in Manitoba. This partnership also makes the immigration process more efficient and helps prepare Filipino workers for a new life in Manitoba.

Canada expecting more visitors, students, and immigrants from China

 the CanadaVisa Team     21 September 2010

Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney, was in Bejing last week to meet with Chinese officials. China is one of the most important source countries for Canadian immigration. Now, more Chinese visitors and students are also coming to Canada than ever before.

Manitoba makes permanent resident visas more accessible for international students who study there

 the CanadaVisa Team     18 September 2010

Yesterday, the Government of Manitoba announced changes to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program that will make it faster and easier for international students to apply for a Canadian Immigration (permanent resident) visa to stay and work in the province.