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If I May...


Sep 5, 2006
...I'm not exactly proficient in this sort of thing, but I'd like to give it a shot. My name's Christopher, I've been seeing the love of my life for quite some time. We've known each other for two years, and have continued to interact with each other through high-school, and now, her university.

I figure it would be best to attempt to make dreams come true and move to Canada under the pretenses that I could help support her. Truth of the matter is, she's in the University of Saskatchewan, aiming to be a Professor with an English Major to teach others the use of it.

In my opinion, admirable and respectful dream, and I'd like to be a part of it. Harsh reality of the situation is, her University savings is dwindling rather rapidly, and I feel that I cannot make it up there in time granted my own problematic nature and disposal with health issues...

This year alone, it cost her nearly 15,000CAD (Don't know if I used the term right or not.) Sad to say, it won't last her much longer, I'm estimating about one more year. I'd like to move up there, establish residence, continue working in my fields of Retail and/or Computers (Yet I have no degree), and see her dreams come true.

I'll explain my situation and, if possible, I'd like some input and information regarding my chances of even getting up there without having to 'cut corners' so to speak. I do plan on marrying her, but after she finishes University. We'll start a family, and live our lives out accordingly afterwords.

I'm currently 20 years old, 21 in October, I've only had two jobs my entire life, and both of them I've been part time. One for nearly 2 years, the other for a year. (College was a failed attempt between the two due to family health problems and working to keep us afloat during the later of my education). I'm skilled in the respect of troubleshooting computers on the general level involving maintenance all the way to medium hardware repair. I've been in customer service all of my life, and have the front-lead management skills, but no real degree in anything. College was a failed attempt.

Uhm...I'm not really sure what else to put in here. I'm just getting started, because the reality of the situation hit me very, very hard the previous night, almost to the point where we both had to sit down and contemplate other means of going about doing this...it's very depressing to think of a future without each other, and I'm wanting to do my very best to see that our futures are together, not apart.

Thank you for your words of wisdom and comments.
