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Horrible Landing at Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls


Hero Member
Dec 30, 2015
Montreal Quebec
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
28-07-2016; Recvd 12-08-2016
Passport Req..
Hello folks,

I apologize for long post in advance. I just want to help others who are considering landing soon.

Yesterday, I became landed immigrant of Canada. I went through a terrible experience at Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls. I had to wait for 8 hours.

I walked to US through Rainbow bridge on Monday evening around 5:00 pm. I stayed on American side of the falls and came back. The Canadian Border Security Agent (CBSA) told me that they only process landing and permits on TUE-THU only (excluding holidays) (I have looked for this information online but I am yet to find anything on the web.). As per the agent this policy was enforced just few week ago.

The CBSA asked me to do it early in the morning around 8:00 am. She told me it should be around 8:00 am (not before or after). So I walked to US side again in the morning around 7:30 am and waited for 8:00 am.

There were only 8 people before me waiting for their work-permit, study-permit or landing processing. I showed my documents and requested for landing. The agent asked me what is my destination. I said Montreal. He got really upset and asked me why am I doing landing here and not somewhere nearby Montreal. I told him that I may need to drive 2 hours from my home for Montreal border. I am already at the Falls with my family and I want to make use of this opportunity.

He told me that it will take 4 hours for processing. I said Ok I will wait as I don't want to delay my landing further and I will have to drive 4 hours back-n-forth even if I will do it in Montreal.

He got visibly upset again. He rudely said to me that so this is your vacation and you want to do this. OK go inside and wait.

Finally I went inside the building and sat down. I was thinking that I am 7th or 8th person so it shouldn't be too long . This is where the real pain began.

From 8:00 - 12:00 pm they didn't call anybody for permit and landing processing. There was nothing to eat or drink as you are just sitting on few chairs. Any body who came after 8:45 am they just returned them saying that wait time is almost 7 hours and they will not take any applications now.

From 8:00 am -12:00 pm, there were only few tourist buses and they were just processing those people in 5-10 min. We just kept watching them walking around and having fun with each other. Around 12:00 pm they called the first person in line. After that they called 2 or 3 people per hour.

Around 1:00 pm, one agent announced that if anybody needs to use washroom, we will have to let them know otherwise they will return passport and ask to do the procedure again.

After a while, one agent announced that we shouldn't look at them and look somewhere else and he don't want us to stare at them

The thing that made me most uncomfortable was the common rude behavior. None of the officer was courteous to anybody. I can understand that they may not want us to do the processing at such busy border post but it wasn't crowed at all. We were requesting them to do their job for which they get their salary from the taxes we paid.

Anyways, I was called around 4:00 pm. I went to the counter and gave my employment proof. She was talking to her colleague and saying that they are making people wait so long because they want people to complain to CIC or CBSA. I don'e know what is the reason behind this. My landing was completed in 2 mins and I was out.

On my way back to the hotel I was wondering these bureaucratic rifts are just causing pain for common people. I hope things get better at CBSA soon. Whatever problems they have must be heard and rectified. Above all, people should have a smoother experience then what we had to go through.
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Full Member
Apr 6, 2017
Make an official complaint then. They were doing this intentionally for a couple of weeks now, just to a lesser extent until now. I guess they are after more money for having to do CIC's work.


Make an official complaint then. They were doing this intentionally for a couple of weeks now, just to a lesser extent until now. I guess they are after more money for having to do CIC's work.
they may be short of resources not asking for more money


Full Member
Apr 6, 2017
Or resources, yes. But anyway, because of their rift with CIC other people suffer. Also, I am pretty sure they deliberately let their chat being overheard. Wanna help? File a complaint. Or others may wait 12 hours next time.


Star Member
May 5, 2017
Visa Office......
AOR Received.
Passport Req..
AVOID Rainbow Bridge landing by all means!
Just landed today at Rainbow Bridge. We we're so tired for the nearly 7 hours wait and I pity those people who were sent away empty handed after waiting for 5 hours or so.
We arrived around 6am at Bird Kingdom where we parked, crossed the US side and received a white paper and return to Canada side. It took about 5-10 minutes to get to US side and received the flagpole slip. When we entered Canada side, the first officer in booth told us they will accept application at 8am but told us to come inside the other office and try if the offer will accommodate us. So we decided to try to get inside the office as instructed. To my surprise the officer took the US white paper and told us that they're going to start processing application at 8am and we have to go back to the US again to start the process. I was thinking, he should have told us to return at 8am and let us keep the administrative paper.
So we waited till 730am went to US to get the administrative slip again. Heading back to Canada side there was a big line up. We spent about 30. Finally we instructed to go the other building. When we entered the office, there were like 40 people ahead of me!!!
Then the lengthy wait starts....... The process was slow just 2 officers processing in charge of landing etc...
There still accommodating applicants till 10am and sending people away after that.
After 5 hours of waiting. Then.one officer starts to call out names . Ask for their WP and purpose. Those people whose name was called were all sent away. I overheard the officer telling them. "We regret we cannot process your application at this time" blah blah blah. Told them to apply online. The nearly 70 people inside the office were cut into half. I think they're only processing formalities like landing.
And then our turn, I'm expecting the officer would be nice but I was wrong. She was like an officer interrogating a criminal by the tone of voice. She asked for my job, proof of address. Since I'm PNP, she asked for job offer etc.. what the hell! After the interview, I thought she's going to check my phone because I saw some officers checking applicants phone. She sent us back to our seat and waited 15 minutes finally she let us sign our COPR.
The experience was horrible but thank God it's over!
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Full Member
Nov 2, 2015
I was asking this in couple of other topics. How about the Thousand Islands bridge(Landowne)?
It is 3 hours drive from Toronto but it might worth it. Does anyone have experience there? How long is the wait there?