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Recent content by torontosm

  1. T

    Do you think CRA knows your immigration status???

    As mentioned earlier, the quickest way you can tell is by someone's SIN number (as citizens/PR's numbers start with different numbers than temporary residents). Given the CRA has your SIN number, they can certainly tell.
  2. T

    Moving Car from Bahrain to Canada

    You can't import your car from any country other than the US unless it is over 15 years old.
  3. T

    Parents medicines in canada

    It wouldn't cover it for any pre-existing conditions though.
  4. T

    Returning Canadians, how to transfer money and gold

    As long as its coming from another bank, and you are immigrating or returning to Canada as a resident, you will be fine.
  5. T

    Income Tax Returns Details

    The accountant should provide you with a copy of the filed return. Usually, accountants also include a cover letter that outlines your CCB eligibility, RRSP contribution room, etc.
  6. T

    Grocery stores delivery

    Assuming you are in Ontario, Sobeys does deliver (through its Voila service) as does Longos (through its Grocery Gateway service). Beyond that, you'll need to use the Isntacart or Uber Eats apps for groceries deliveries.
  7. T


    You are not allowed to work in Canada as a visitor.
  8. T

    Handicrafts small business on PR

    You don't need to register anything until you reach $30k in sales (at least on ON). After that, you have to start charging HST so you need to register for that. Naturally, you should report all your earned income.
  9. T

    How to avoid paying hefty tax as much as possible

    Invest in both if you can. Each serves a different purpose, and is funded differently (pre-tax vs. post-tax money), but both are invaluable for proper tax planning.
  10. T

    Misrepresentation - Possible Deportation

    You started by saying that the misrepresentation wasn't willful, but here you make it sound like it was indeed by choice (to avoid the bureaucracy in your home country). People have certainly been stripped of citizenship and deported years after settling in Canada permanently for...
  11. T

    Appeal on Residency Obligation

    - They don't, but the PR isn't really keen to "comeback" if he can't even spend 2 years out of 5 here, is he? - Because PR is for people who want to live in Canada, and your intent isn't clear - Because it's the law - That's just nonsense. You can have ties to your home country, and can even...
  12. T

    Shipping goods 2 year after relocation

    If you've been living in Canada for the past 2 years, and didn't declare any of these items on your Goods to Follow list, then yes, you could certainly be taxed upon their import. That said, the items you listed sound like low value items that are clearly not for resale, so I doubt the tax will...
  13. T

    PR cancellation

    I'm confused...it sounds like you have just applied for PR, but haven't received it yet. Yes, if you divorce at this time, you will no longer qualify for PR. That said, if you proceed with the intention of divorcing right after you receive your PR, you could be misrepresenting the facts (i.e...
  14. T

    Where to invest in Real Estate

    It's hardly one article. There are plenty more in various financial publications related to the same. Regardless, you are correct that it doesn't really matter anyway. The markets will move in the way that they will, and no ones opinion will change that..
  15. T

    Where to invest in Real Estate

    Yes, it's absolutely true. If you disagree, show me a single asset, any time in history, in any geography that has gone up without any fluctuations over the long term. Surely, with such broad parameters, it shouldn't be hard for you to prove me wrong.... And I fail to see how this is...